
Have you ever had that shooting pain go from your tooth to the end of the nerve? It lasts for what feels like minutes but really is closer to thirty seconds and is excruciating. I had that happen way too many times.

It starts out with a slight tingle every now and again, and one day your whole life changes.

I have three molars left because after spending over three thousand dollars on a root canal and crown, I was still left with daily throbbing pain and the electric shock coursing through the nerve.

That was the first time but wouldn’t be the last. I eventually told the dentist to pull the tooth and have been doing that every single time the pain returns in another area.

They take X-rays and still cannot guarantee that the pain will go away, so in the end I have the tooth pulled. Which leads me to last month.

The burst of pain that was once a week was now happening every time I drank something and sometimes when I ate. It was incredibly painful so I gave in and called the dentist to have it pulled.

They made the appointment for ten days later. I was taking 600mg of Motrin to feel some relief every few hours. I felt like a zombie and couldn’t think straight.

Two days after booking the appointment I had an epiphany. Coconut oil pulling. I had read online that coconut oil pulling is great for toothaches so I gave it a go!

If you haven’t heard about it, let me explain. I took a spoonful of coconut oil and melted it in my mouth until it was the consistency of water, then swished it around for ten minutes. I spit it in the garbage, rinsed with water, and gently brushed my teeth.

Within a few minutes the pain was gone and lasted for just less than a day. I did this for three consecutive days and the pain completely vanished.

At the same time I started brushing with Sensodyne Rapid Relief toothpaste.

The pain free days lasted for two weeks. It returned minimally but I went back to oil pulling for a couple of days and again was back to normal.

I am not a dentist and cannot speak about underlying conditions or infections. I can only speak about what is working for me. I recommend that you speak to your own dentist and do your own research before trying this.

The receptionist at the dentist’s office made the wrong length of appointment so I had to reschedule the tooth pulling. I concluded that it was a blessing in disguise and have not yet made the new appointment. I will if I need to.

For now I am appreciating that molar like I never have before.

Emma Carson
Dreams Turning Into Reality

Do you remember your dreams? I have created the habit that whenever I have a good one, I wake up only halfway and jot it down. I try to stay somewhat sleepy so I can feel the dream, be in the dream. It’s an interesting trick but it works and I am able to get the most detail on paper.

I have many dreams that can become great novels, and one day I will start to write them. One of the bigger challenges I have, in fact a great many writers have, is staying focused on one project at a time. Once you open the floodgates of creativity, it can’t be stopped. Right now I have about ten stellar ideas that I am holding back on until I publish the next book. It’s been interesting learning patience with the self until I came up with a great character name and a title! Two days ago it finally came to me.

I am excited to continue working on the children’s book again. Darsh and Mr. Mahua Become Friends has passed the first round of edits. Now for a little fine tuning, proofreading and formatting and it’s good to go!

The images have been ready for some time. My friend’s son did them and I couldn’t be happier about it. I cannot wait to show it to everyone. I am so proud of him and of this book.

You never know what you can accomplish when you allow yourself the freedom to be yourself and follow your dreams, sometimes literally.

Emma Carson
Getting There

Finally starting to feel organized! I had a goal last summer to write a book by October and finally live my dream as a writer whilst setting myself up to earn passive income for the rest of my life.

I had no idea that being a writer meant becoming an expert in so many areas. After the book was published, I went numb, not knowing what to do next or how to build the business.

Almost nine weeks ago, I got serious about changing my life for the better. I now exercise six days a week and make small changes in my food habits to overcome the deep patterns that have taken such a toll on this body.

I also challenge the mind to create new neural pathways because my old life just wasn’t doing it for me anymore.

I adopted those same small changes in my work life and feel so much more productive. I have a much clearer idea as to what I need to to be successful.

New goals, new attitude, new life!

Emma Carson
A New Me

I can’t believe it! I am finally buckling down and starting this blog! I have had this on my to do list for over six months now and have mustered up the courage to share my thoughts with you!

I am working on several projects at once and while it is overwhelming at times, that’s just how I am. All or nothing.

The biggest challenge for me is not the work itself, rather overcoming the mind. The rapid fire of waste thoughts and daily stresses that turn me into a statue of inactivity are my biggest obstacles.

In the last six weeks I have learned more about myself than I have in the last two years. I am proud of myself and look forward to sharing this wonderful lifelong journey with you!

Have a super Monday!

Emma Carson