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It’s Finally Here:

(Updated Sept. 7, 2020)

The Kids’ Money Course has officially launched.

We’ve heard comments like:

“I wish this was around when I was a kid!” and “Mom, I saved 20%!”

Kids are excited about saving money, parents are happy with all the peace and quiet from “Mom, can you buy me this candy?” or Dad, “please buy me this shirt, I’ll wear it every day,” only to find it laying on the floor, or never worn again.

When you looked into your children’s eyes for the first time, you wanted to give them the world. You wanted big things for them. Maybe it was for them to be a doctor, or a lawyer or a YouTube star. Whatever it was, it all costs money. A lot of money.

I am certain you never, in your wildest dreams, wanted them to live paycheque to paycheque, struggling every day to put food in their belly or pay their bills.

We created an innovative new online course called the ‘Kids' Money Course 101’ to teach children from ages 5-8 money basics, and build their self-confidence and decision-making skills along the way.

We have worksheets, videos and challenges after each lesson to put into practice everything they have learned!

A team effort between parents and the kids will set them up for success in all areas of their lives.

Teaching money through values and virtues, we will show your kids how to use money properly, how to start saving and why, and how to build self-esteem knowing they can achieve their dreams with just a little focus.

Heck, we even teach them ‘The Best Way to Ask” for something because we know all too well what it is like when you are busy and they come to beg you for something that they “need for school right now!”

Take a look at the course curriculum here: Emma Carson Academy

Can’t wait to meet you!

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Mom’s Choice Award GOLD WINNER!!! CLICK HERE for more information!

Meet Darsh, a boy from India! After having some troubles with his friends and family Darsh runs away. He ends up meeting a wonderful life-long friend, who teaches him how to be strong on the inside.

For Ages 5-8


In The Works:

Losing Weight Sucks…and I Am Worth It!

Losing weight has been a constant struggle for my whole life. More important than losing weight, is the why. Why do I fluctuate? Why do I gravitate towards food and television to numb emotions I don’t think I can handle.

It is a journey to becoming my best self, to accepting me for me, and accepting others. No more hiding, totally vulnerable, and an open mind, learning all the way.

Click here to join our Facebook group to come along for the ride or share your successes in becoming your best self.